Have you heard about '/r/place' on Reddit? It was an art project where reddit users could change the color of a pixel on a large shared canvas by posting on reddit. Since you can only change one pixel at a time and the number of posts is limited, people needed to organise if they wanted to create an image on the canvas. And organise they did! Within an hour the first flags and shapes started to appear and over the next few days online communities came together to carve out a corner of the canvas.
As a project it had almost everything I like in art: dynamic, interaction, whimsical. It just missed one thing.... physicality.
Which is why for Maker Faire Delft I made a 'real' version of /r/place: the /r/eal place! We've made a canvas of 40 by 120 cm where visitors can stick LED lights into. Thats close to five thousand LEDs! Over the faire weekend our canvas will fill and light up with patterns, images and ideas that visitors will bring to it! I will make a time-lapse of the artwork while people work on it, so the evolution will be captured!
Maker Faire Delft is the weekend of June 4th and 5th 2022, from 11 AM to 5 PM on the campus of Delft University of Technology. Tickets (€10, less for kids) are sold on their website.
I will also bring measurement devices made by the students of my course 'Design Engineering for Physics Students'. Just cause I'm proud of those!